Thursday, March 10, 2011

Week Two at the River Farm

Swans on Cook Road
Finally the weather was in the 40's and not raining! I was off to the River Farm again to work with the girls. I passed fields of swans resting and eating in the fields.
Turning at the Everybody's Store in Deming, I headed down the road to the Farm. On the way I saw a Coyote crossing the road. There was snow along the way and the hills were still covered in places.
I worked with the horses for a while and was just going to pop on bareback when Rosie appeared ready for her lesson. She was dressed for fowl weather and Sadie was sweet as pie.
Rosie played the Seven Games with Sadie
Gave her a few loving scratches......
 And climbed on for the first time this year. Sadie stood steady as a rock.  With only a few rides last year, I was so happy to see how quickly she was progressing.
 After a bit of tune up in turning and stopping and going on cue, they were off down the trail.
Down to the River for a drink, as if she'd done it 100 times!

I wondered who was living in the Tipi.. Looks so wonderful in the trees.

Back down the road with nary a glitch!

Now that is a happy face!! In case you ever wondered why horses.. take a long look at that grin!


  1. Great pictures, Kate! I was smiling when I saw all the swans! Never seen that many in a field... We have a pair of Swans here in Pagosa Springs at the lake and they had 4 babies last summer. The whole town was watching them grow up, they even made it on the front page of one of the little newspapers...

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central

  2. Thanks, Petra. I love seeing the swans, we have thousands of swans and snow geese that winter over on the Skagit Valley Flats. In a few weeks the fields will be covered with daffodils and then tulips. The colors are amazing! Here on Orcas, we have eagles doing mating dances while circling over our farm and the marsh next to us. That is really cool to watch as well.

  3. Wow, what a beautiful photo of the swans! Was there a lot of swan honking? Also loved the pictures of Sadie and Rosie. Yep, that smile explains it all....why horses.....
    The tipi in the woods looks like the perfect home to me. :-) As long as it is warm in winter.
