Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Horse Kisses

I learn so much from the kids. Like how just being with the horse is so important, not 'making them do something' just being, hanging out, and in Niah's case kissing. Those boys of mine love this little girl!  When I am struggling with something I often ask Niah and Kiatan to help. They are naturals. That's why kids are so often better  with horses than adults - they are natural in their way of  relating to horses. These two remarkable children are never in a hurry. They are patient and kind. They have helped me teach and relax my horses on many occassions.

 Niah is working with Shaman to lower his head.

 While most horses might find this a bit too much, with Niah it's fine!

Niah putting on Shaman's halter. He's relaxed, attentive and respectful. Niah is intent!

She's got him haltered and saddled up. I am a firm believer that until you can handle the horse easily and with confidence on the ground and your communication skills are really good, you should not be in the saddle. With so many people they have no fear...until they get hurt.. then they want nothing else to do with horses. Yep, 80% of people who get into horses get out the first year. So sad. If only they learned how to be safe and knowledgeable on the ground first they might get to enjoy horses for a lifetime!  Oh, Niah is 5 years old.

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet pictures, and what you said about children and horses is so true! Children are often capable of being fun and creative, yet without getting goal orientated resulting in the horse perceiving them as 'mini predators.'

    Looks as if you and your horses are giving Niah some great foundations!

    Kerrin Koetsier
    Parelli Central
