Came home to sunshine in the Pacific Northwest.. and then rain. Not much horse time in the rain, so it was a quite a while between rides on Black Elk. He seemed as mellow as usual. I did my ground work routine, I lunged him and then I got on. He was fine. Or so I thought. We rode around calmly for about ten minutes, then my foot hit one of the barrels we were going around, he spooked and starting bucking, I think I acually fell off when he took a sharp turn to the right. OWWWW!
Fortunately Ken was home, as this was not one of those brush your britches off and climb back on kind of falls. I knew I'd broken ribs.. a bunch of ribs and I could barely breath. Somehow I mustered up enough breath to call for Ken and he came out and helped me into the house. By then I was begging for pain, I am not a pain pill kinda gal, but that's what I wanted. Ken cut off my muddy sweatshirt and got me to the couch. Little did I know that is where I'd stay for weeks!
It's not been that much fun, as I like being out of doors and not laying around. But now.. eight weeks later, I am getting back to some kind of normal. Not that I am riding yet, but I did garden today in the 55 degree sunshine and that was wonderful.
The boys had other ideas on how to spend the day.
Black Elk at age 4 is coming into his own. He is much bigger than his buddies and challanging them all of the the time. Where as last year, he struggled to canter in the arena, now he canters small easy circles while playing. He is also much more forceful and likes to play charger with Rascal and Shaman.Would you ever guess that by this photo?
Rascal ( standing) and Black Elk
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